The Effect of Advertising on Consumer Buying Decisions in the Purchasing Process


Advertising is currently one of the most dominant marketing communication tools. Every successful company or business is looking forward to a well-set ad. Consumers are bombed every day with a number of ads that they do not pay attention to, although it has some influence on their buying decisions and buying behaviour, whether in positive or in negative terms. The aim of the contribution is the theoretical processing of the studied issues in the field of advertising, as well as the analysis of the impact of selected forms of advertising and marketing communication tools on the purchasing decisions and the purchasing behaviour of consumers in view of the selected characteristics. We used the Kraskal Wallis Test method and the Mann-Whitney U Test method for hypothesis evaluation. The research results indicate that there are no statistically significant differences in the impact of selected marketing communication tools on the purchasing behaviour of consumers depending on their level of education. In our research, we have also found that there are no statistically significant differences in the perception of selected types of advertising depending on the gender of consumers.