The Effects of Brand Image and Brand Personality on Word of Mouth Marketing with Brand Love as Intervening Variable and Costumer Trust as Moderating Variable (The Case of ‘Hijup’ Fashion Brand among the Costumers in Jakarta)


Brand image and brand personality of fashion trends affects brand love, which can create a words of mouth marketing result to the way costumer talk about the brand. The aim of this research was to figure out the effects of brand image, brand persoanlity, brand love , that significantly affect word of mouth marketing where trust will be set as moderating variable between brand love and word of mouth marketing. This research was conducted in Jakarta in the context of word of mouth of ‘HijUp’ Fashion Brand efforts based on consumers’ experience. The data was collected by using enclosed questionnaire based on the Likert scale. Among ‘HijUp’ shoppers, 227 respondents who experienced purchasing goods and services in ‘HijUp’ Fashion Brand were chosen. The data was then analyzed by using Structural Equation Modelling analysis to obtain the path coefficient as the determination for the hypothesis testing. The research found that the indirect effect of brand personality toward WOMM is stronger than its direct effect. Therefore, brand image and brand personality significantly affect brand love that will lead to word-of-mouth marketing. Furthermore, trust has role to moderate the relationship between brand love and WOMM. The more the costumer trust on product or brand, the more they will do WOMM.