The effects of economic paradigm change on the civil construction market in Romania


After the events of December 1989, the Romanian economy experienced a paradigm shift abandoning the system of excessive centralism based on an unviable economic model and pursued a development of a competitive economy based on free market. The new economic model had to support a correct dimensioning of the civil construction market in relation to the other economic sectors. Under that new environment, the Romanian construction market was characterized by a massive withdrawal of the state from the financing of new constructions, the liberalization of rents, coupled with a massive privatization of state-owned dwellings and the introduction of subsidies for housing construction. From this point of view, if the socialist urbanization characterized by intensive public construction projects, the contemporary period, from the housing point of view, was characterized by increases of private construction projects. The blocks of flats - a symbol of socialist modernization - have been replaced, in the post-decade, by urban spaces (within cities and their outskirts) dominated by newly built "trendy" villas. The present study aims to highlight the main factors and milestones of the civil construction development process sector in Romania. The present study research method used quantitative analysis, statistical analysis of quantitative information, interpretative data analysis (cumulative analysis of quantitative and qualitative data) and evaluation analysis of processes and results. The main series of statistical data were obtained from national profile institutions (National Institute for Statistics, National Bank of Romania, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, etc.), EUROSTAT and papers published in volumes of Romanian publishing houses or in the books of the economic research institutes under the subordination of the National Institute of Economic Research, of the Romanian Academy.