The Evaluative-Digital Technologies of Grain Industry


The urgency of such a problem as reproducing the technical potential of the grain subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex is conditioned by the need to modernize agriculture in new economic and digital formations. The article traces the dependence of the yield of grain crops on the provision of tractors and on the load per tractor. The article presents the process of reproduction of technical potential, which is implemented in four interrelated phases, implemented through a five-unit mechanism taking into account economic and digital data. The five-block mechanism is proposed with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the processes of reproduction and weakening or even eliminating the destructive effect of extreme factors on the full cycle of reproduction. The critical level of the state of the technical potential of economic entities is comprehensively and objectively evaluated by the method of calculating integrated digital data. To assess the state of the technical potential of grain organizations, a system of scientifically based indicators has been developed. To evaluate the prospects for the development of the level of reproduction of the technical potential of the grain subcomplex and for the separation of grain clusters by natural and climatic zones, an algorithm has been developed taking into account the reproduction of the technical potential. The inertial-digital (pessimistic) and innovative-digital (optimistic) variants of the medium-term (to 2020) and long-term (up to 2030) forecast of the technical equipment of economic entities of grain specialization are presented. The materials of the article will be useful to the managers of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, teachers and students of economic directions of preparation.