The Evolution of Services in the Era of Consumerism


The dissemination rate and typologies of services existing in a particular country are dependent on a complex set of factors including social model, individual and mass education, cultural, social experiences, the general regulatory framework and those specific to the labor market, protection and social assistance, the economic structures of the population, the general level of incomes and the proportions of revenues of the different economic and social categories, the strategic priorities and the financial resources available for central and local authorities, the inclination of private operators and of non-governmental organizations for involvement in the field of social services, the levers that society uses to increase this inclination, etc. The determining factor in deciding to develop a business strengthens a location is analyzed by comparing entities providing services in a common area, t entrepreneurs in situations of vulnerability or with family members in such types conditions, social services experiencing distribution uneven territorial territory in Romania. The research carried out in Romania, based on the statistical data from 2018 and the first half of 2019, highlights the existence of essential discrepancies regarding the type and density of services in the urban and rural areas. At the same time, the differences generated from the ratio between the level of productivity and the consumption of the population at the level of Romania will be analyzed.