The Evolution of the HVAC Industry through the Lens of Current Crisis


This paper investigates the impact of current crises such as climate change and energy policies on the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry. In the context of the global increase in climate issue awareness and intensified efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions, the HVAC industry faces significant challenges, but also substantial opportunities for innovation and energy efficiency improvement.For our research, we adopted a mixed methodology, involving secondary data analysis, as well as analysis and synthesis of relevant information. The secondary data analysis included an extensive review of existing scientific studies and market reports to understand current and future trends. The study's results indicate that climate change and energy policies have a significant impact on the HVAC industry, driving a rapid evolution of technologies and practices in the field. Furthermore, our findings underscore the importance of closer collaboration between industry actors and policy-makers to ensure a leadership role for the HVAC industry in global efforts to combat climate change and improve energy efficiency.