The Future Of The Workforce In The Context Of Labour Market Flexicurity


During the  last period, an increasingly common question in UE, especially in Romania is “What should our students study and which is the future of the workforce in the context of labour market flexicurity?”. That is a surprisingly difficult question to answer since it depends on the student, the student’interests, his or her social environment, and other idiosyncratic prohibition that may be in the family life, particularly biases in the family towards certain occupations or trades. However, the diverse nature of work immensely complicates that question, and there are few things that are correct and trustworthy about the future of work. In this article, we look  at a number of big forces that are going to affect large sectors of the workforce, as well as a number of more narrow ones that affect, in big ways, individual occupations or professions. The recession is the biggest concern today, so information about the recession is often incredibly distorted, and the best of the press often leaves important matters ignored or not even exposed. In this regard, high level of unemployment consist of two components: the first is unemployment resulting directly from the recession and the decline occurring in all types of business, but  the secondary is a more structural, long-term factor related to the growing importance of information technology of every occupational sector which involves a higher level of education, learning throughout the life, and a high degree of the labour force flexibility.
