The Hidden And Seen Crisis In The Healthcare System


Currently, both doctors as well as people in general support reforms of the healthcare system. However, the main problem of the system remains insufficient allocation of financial resources. What causes patients to give bribes for treatment prescribed by the doctors, because wages are by far under the limit of the decent living, especially in underdeveloped countries like Moldova.

The given research is necessitated by the fact that, not all economic and financial crises are obvious, in other words there are hidden crisis that manifest into a longer period and they are not visible. The hidden crisis is a continuous process, which once manifested is very difficult to treat. It is caused by other crises such as the personnel crisis, the financial crisis, the economic crisis, the drug crisis, the crisis of the performing medical devices.

According to the author, a crisis of health or the crisis in the healthcare system is a difficult situation, the duration of which is complex, and it affects directly the population of a country. Crisis in healthcare system in general has a significant impact on the health of the community, leading to loss of human lives (suicide) and mainly on the economy of any country (high unemployment). All of these derives from diseases, industrial process or from the country’s sensitive political system. The harshness of the crisis is often measured by the number of affected people, diseases or death of the pathogenic process that is on its base, or with other words the existence of financial shocks.

Multiple research in health domain, are addressing a series of issues in this system, but remains uncovered the hidden crisis from this system, even though this crisis is manifesting, and we can say that already quite severe, however it’s not brought to daylight or even more researched. That is why the given subject is actual and is extremely important through the angle of the hidden crisis from the health system from all the levels.

The current massive migration of doctors and medical stuff (nurses, midwives, etc.) in the healthcare system in Moldova, generates hidden crisis that nobody sees, doesn’t study it, but it feels directly, as well on the patients as on the remaining staff in medical institutions. For example, the physicians who remained in the medical institutions have a higher volume of work, which is extremely overwhelming, and the impact is the malpractice. The massive migration of the employees from the health system is determined primarily by the low wages, the working conditions, the aging population, high level of the corruption, etc.

In conclusion, we can state that still exist financial hidden crisis in the system of healthcare, that we can to compare to a volcano, which boils inside the system, waiting for the right time to break out, having a negative impact and effect both on the population as well as on the economy of the country. It should be mentioned, that the elderly is the most exposed to the economic and financial crisis, because the risk of being fired is very high and that the chance of re-employment is very low, therefore their access to accessible healthcare is also limited.

Therefore, since the crisis is an ongoing process, a cycle, the end of a crisis, generates a new one