RPA, i.e. Robotic Process Automation, is today one of the basic forms of business transformation, influencing both strategy, development dynamics and competitiveness. The range of industries in which this technology can be used is quite wide. Suffice it to mention that RPA has been used in the medical, commercial, transport, human resources, banking, etc. sectors. At the same time, because the technology itself is constantly evolving, the range of possibilities it offers is expanding, the discussion is not limited to just creating classic "bots" that imitate human activities on a computer. OCR systems used to read documents, the above-mentioned RPA technology, and the increasingly popular technology based on artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming more and more popular. The greater the popularity and interest in each technology, the greater its impact on the world around it. Therefore, in this article, the author will try to present the problem impacting the process automation on the business area.