The Impact Of Consumer Engagement With Social Media And Social Media Advertising On Advertising Evaluation And Purchase Intention


This study aims to analyse the effect of consumer engagement with Instagram and Instagram Ads on the evaluation of advertisements and purchase intention.

 This study refers to the experience engagement framework that analyse engagement with experience dimensions to analyse consumer engagement with social media and social media advertising. All 407 respondents who are active Instagram users were participated on this quantitative study. The data is then processed and analysed using Structural Equation Model.

The results show that engagement with social media (Instagram) positively influence the social media advertising engagement and further influence advertising evaluation. However, no direct effect found from social media engagement toward advertising evaluation. This study also shows that advertising evaluation positively influence purchase intention.

 Providing an empirical analysis about the influence that engagement with Instagram and Instagram Ads have to advertising evaluation, this study resulted in several contributions such as, provides discussion related to the evaluation of several advertising to purchase intentions on products that promoted through social media advertising. This study also gives insights to marketers on how to develop consumer engagement by the experience users had from advertisement on social media.

 This study empirically proves the benefit of using social media (Instagram) in Advertising activities, especially by enhancing consumer engagement with Instagram Ads.

