The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Rural Development


Currently, corporate social responsibility is developing both within the organization and in relations with society. Despite the development of state support for the agro-industrial complex, the socio-economic, technical, cultural, domestic, demographic and other problems of the village have recently intensified. The future of rural territories depends on in what way and how quickly these problems are resolved. In our opinion, their comprehensive solution is significantly determined by the activities of modern socially responsible organizations of the agro-industrial complex, since it is they who are interested in their own development and increasing profitability under conditions of stability. Social and labor relations in the countryside are characterized by a low degree of satisfaction of demand for labor resources with its supply, which is confirmed by the constant outflow of the rural population to regional centers. The geopolitical and socio-economic situation forces our country to develop these areas as soon as possible. Despite this, the prestige of labor in agriculture does not actually increase. The citizens of our country have a negative opinion about life and work in the countryside. The labor market in rural areas, as a rule, is not represented by the abundance of employers, rural labor is associated with the seasonal nature of many types of agricultural work, therefore work in agriculture is characterized by a lower level of material incentives. In this regard, the social development of the village, due to agribusiness, needs state support with a perfect selection system for recipients. This article discusses corporate social responsibility as a factor in the development of rural areas. A system of state support for corporate social responsibility of agricultural enterprises is proposed.