The Impact of Globalization on the Unemployment in Europe


Globalization is a powerful phenomenon that has generated an increase of economic efficiency of all activities at global level, as a result of free movement of capital, investments, technology and workforce. In recent decades, we all observed a concern of specialists for studying globalization from different perspectives. The impact of globalization on state policies was different from one country to other or from one group of countries to other, being influenced by a lot of factors and variables. The main theme of this work is the impact of globalization on unemployment in Europe. The main purpose of this research was to identify and analyze how the European labour market has reacted to the influences of globalization in the last decade, and especially in recent years. Our research specific interest was to analyse the impact of globalization reflected by four key indicators: unemployment rate on duration; unemployment rate by age, by gender and by level of education. Based on the data offered by Eurostat we found out and explained the main causes and effects of globalization. The methodes used were statistical analysis, correlative and comparative analysis. One of the main conclusions of our research is that globalisation and technological progress have an ever-increasing effect on unemployment. It evolves rapidly and influences daily life, and the demand for different types of labour and skills. There is a need for an effective cooperation between the actors of the European business environment, the European institutiones and the governments of the member states to find out innovative solutions both for increasing the competitiveness of the business environment and also for readucing the unemployment rate in Europe. The last part of our paper contains some actions proposed in this respect and the main financial instruments.