The Impact Of The Tax Burden On The Economic Growth Of BRICS Countries


The modern concept of building a multipolar world provides for the formation of associations of countries that collectively create a synergistic effect due to their development prospects. One of such significant forums is the BRICS, which includes Russia. Due to existing opinions about the vagueness of development and even the existence of this association in the future, connected with a slowdown in economic growth and the volume of mutual trade and investment relations, the issue of alternative factors that can affect the GDP of states becomes relevant. The article considers issues related to the problem of macroeconomic growth, based on the relationship with indicators of the tax burden, such as the volume of tax revenues, the amount of customs and other import duties. As a result of the study, using the correlation and regression analysis, the factors that have the greatest influence on the growth rate of GDP of each of the BRICS countries were identified. The strong differentiation in the historical, economic, and political terms of the countries explains the lack of a single trend in the interconnection of indicators, as well as in multiple and paired regression models of dependence. The structure of tax revenues formation of the consolidated budgets of countries was detailed due to the need to assess the key parameters of tax policy and its orientation towards a particular sector of the economy. The analysis made it possible to determine the importance of improving the tax system of the BRICS countries to accelerate the pace of business activity at the macro level.

