The Importance of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor from Regional Development Perspective


In this age of making continual growth, economic Corridors are an important need for the development of any country. As compared to other regional countries, China is more reliable and all time partner of Pakistan without any doubts. Economic Corridor from Gwadar to Kashgar through rail and road connections would be the great source of change and development in the region. Furthermore, it will provide the best and the shortest supply route to China as well as land locked countries of the central Asia. China Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) provides a unique opportunity for Pakistan to bolster its strategic and economic position coupled with many socio-economic benefits. The current study explores China-Pakistan relatins and the importance of CPEC from regional development perspective i.e CPEC from Pakistan perspective, from China perspective, from South Asia perspective and Global perspective. This corridor is not only the road to economic prosperity of Pakistan and China; it can be termed as future of the world.