The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of perceived brand value on brand loyalty amongst two cosmetic brands categories which are sustainable brand and conventional brand mediated by brand trust and brand affect. Another purpose of this study is to examine the influence of perceived brand value on brand trust and brand affect moderated by sustainability knowledge and fashion consciousness.
The data for this study is collected through an online questionnaire survey method and gathered a total of 232 responses from Indonesian females who use cosmetic products. The hypotheses were tested using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).
The results of this study indicate that perceived brand value significantly affect brand trust and brand affect which then affect brand loyalty in two brand categories (sustainable brand and conventional brand). The results also show that sustainability knowledge and fashion consciousness do not significantly strengthen the relationship between perceived brand value on brand trust and brand affect.
The results of this study give suggestions through its marketing communication for sustainable cosmetic brand and also for cosmetic brands as a whole.
This study is a development of previous study by Park and Kim (2016) in comparing sustainable and non-sustainable brands, in the context of cosmetics industry in Indonesia. This study also contributes by using dimensions of brand loyalty namely willingness to pay premium, word of mouth, and repurchase intention.