The Influence of Product Innovation and e-Commerce Adoption on Marketing Performance at the Culinary Sector SME’s in DKI Jakarta


This research aims to find out the influence between product innovation and the adoption of e-commerce in the culinary sector SMEs in DKI Jakarta. This research was conducted for three months, March-May 2019. The method used in this study was the survey method. The population in this study were all culinary sector SMEs in DKI Jakarta who had used e-commerce. The technique of selecting respondents uses non-probability sampling, with a type of purposive sampling because the samples have  specific criteria, which SMEs that already use e-commerce. For data collect, researchers use a Likert scale. The three variables are Marketing Performance (Y) and Product Innovation (X1) and E-commerce Adoption (X2) which are the primary data obtained from the distribution of research questionnaires.  The data analysis technique used is the analysis requirements test consisting of a normality test and a linearity test, both classic assumption tests, multiple linear regression test and hypothesis tests. tcount on the product innovation variable is 5.621 and tcount on the e-commerce adaption variable is 4.876. Meanwhile, ttable is 1.988, this means that there is a significant partial effect of variable product innovation and e-commerce adoption on marketing performance. Because tcount> ttable whereas for Test F, the results of Fcount are found at 40.263> Ftable at 3.09. It can be concluded that product innovation and e-commerce adoption on marketing performance is due to Fcount>Ftable. The multiple regression equation obtains the results of Ŷ = 17,353 + 0,415X1 + 0,303X2. The coefficient of determination R2 is 0.454. This means that the product innovation variable (X1) and e-commerce adoption (X2) affect marketing performance (Y) by 45.4%.
