An investor seeks a company with good prospects as their investment target. Company with good prospects is reflected in their financial reports. It shows the company's financial condition now or in a certain period because the higher its value, the better the company will be and the more profitable it will be for investors. Investors themselves. Investors will assess the company's financial reports and annual reports. Investors can use several factors to evaluate a company, including profitability, size, and enterprise risk management. This research aims to determine the effect of profitability, company size, and enterprise risk management on company value in companies listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in 2017 - 2021. This research uses a quantitative type of research using a purposive sampling method with samples from 9 companies. Using descriptive analysis data analysis techniques and tested with multiple linear regression tests. This research analysis uses SPSS version 26 software. The research results show that profitability affects company value, size does not affect company value, and enterprise risk management does not.