The Influence of the Globalization of the Pork Meat Market on the Self-Sufficiency of the Czech Republic in its Production


The aim of consumer's shopping in transnational retail chains is to purchase fresh and high-quality meat from proven breeders and honest Czech suppliers. The Kaufland retail chain prides itself on its cooperation with regional suppliers, who supply it with meat of the best possible quality in the shortest possible time. Consumers in the CR are increasingly interested in the origin and composition of food products. The FoodCzech project aims to facilitate their orientation in meat and meat products. In 2017, the list of food products that meet the conditions of Czech guild standards was extended to include standards for meat products. The Food Chamber of the Czech Republic is convinced that defining quality for individual products and clearly identifying them is the precise path the Czech food industry has to take in order to not only compete in Europe but also convince Czech consumers that Czech food products are high quality and worth purchasing. The aim of this article is to characterize the current state and perspectives on further development in the production of pork as an important branch of animal production in the Czech Republic. A partial aim of this article is to show the link between agricultural producers of pork meat and retail chains in the commodity chain. The methodology used for writing this article is based mainly on the description of the de