The integration of web 2.0 technologies in the Third Social Sector of Catalonia


The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Union (EU) feel the potential of Information Technologies and Communication Technologies (ICT) to transform the way we work, access information and interact. The business world is incorporating web 2.0 tools and social software in their structures and in their daily activities. But, what is happening in the Third Social Sector? The purpose of this communication is to see whether ICT
and in particular web 2.0 tools are used regularly by the Third Social Sector entities of Catalonia (Spain) in order to transform their daily management, thereby moving toward a change in their participatory and organizational culture. We conduct an empirical study to check whether the organizations in the third social sector in Catalonia are using web 2.0 tools. Our results show that ICT and web 2.0 tools are still not regarded as a really strategic asset.