The Leader-Follower Relationship and Their Participation in the Strategic Management of a Company – Research in the Leader’s and the Follower’s Attitudes


According to one of the definitions that was determined by Northouse in 2010, leadership is a process within the framework of which an individual – the leader in this case – exerts an influence on the follower, i.e. a group, so as to achieve organizational and common goals. Leadership is implemented through the relationship between the leader and the follower since, in this process, the leader is the one to use his powers to provoke changes in the follower. Leaders use different sources and instruments in order to be able to mitigate risk and uncertainty in business doing, suggesting that there are no absolutely right or wrong solutions, i.e. there is no perfect success formula. Due to the complexity of the market, relations and terms and conditions of business doing, solutions are frequently not obvious and the inclusion and interactivity of different sources whose synergetic effect creates a potential for creating creativity, learning and useful organizational changes based on them is required. The determination like this indicates the attitude that not only leaders are those who have to respond to challenges from the environment – followers are also important in this process. The concept of joint leadership lowers the responsibility hierarchically downwards, i.e. it shares responsibility for the success of the organization, which makes it more flexible. In this manner, members are encouraged to assume the role of the leader, i.e. they are invited to take initiative in interactions, which increases the probability of positive outcomes.