The Legal Protection of Environmental Factors – A Premise for Sustainable Development


The various human activities have determined and continue to cause substantial modifications in the structure of the environment, which are much more complex than natural phenomena. This requires both revising the tasks and objectives in the field, and formulating new policies and strategies in line with the sustainable development policy, with medium and long-term economic and social projects and forecasts.

Within this approach, we should increase our efforts to switch to sustainable energy sources, which would generate less pollution, using solar, wind, and water power, thus contributing to the protection of the natural factors of the environment. In this context, sustainable development should be understood and analyzed as a complex economic, social, and political phenomenon, whose main objectives are environmental protection and the sustainable use of the planet’s resources, on which rely the evolution and existence of the human species, on the one hand, and economic and social development on the other. Reaching this objective should represent the guarantee of observing the right of all human beings, present and future, to benefit from appropriate life and affirmation standards.

The global environmental problems, which become more and more pressing, require putting in place firm and effective actions that would determine the international community to urgently adopt a series of functional measures that would lead to a real integration of environmental protection within the sustainable development policies and strategies.