The Link between Knowledge Based Economy Benchmarking Methods, Competitiveness and Welfare: A Quantitative Study based on Correlation Method


The topic of this paper focus on knowledge based economy and society. The paper presents a challenging issue: the evolution of the knowledge-based society in a place where competitiveness, innovation and research play a key role. Knowledge assimilation and dissemination are key factors in reaching the Lisbon’s Strategy goals for any of the European countries. The purpose of this paper is to attempt to demonstrate, by means of some qualitative and quantitative econometric methods, the significance of certain indicators and benchmarking methods within a knowledge-based economy (Knowledge Economy Index, Global Competitiveness Index, Index of Economic Freedom, Total Entrepreneurial Activity, Corruption Perceptions Index, Human Development Index), upon the GDP level and the economic growth process and regional competitiveness. The main differences between rich countries and less rich countries does not consist in the endowment and use of tangible assets, but in the intangible assets such as intellectual capital, knowledge, brands etc. Among these production, distribution and use of knowledge is essential for a knowledge based economy and society.