The Method of Averaged Quality Traits in the Management of the Quality of Marketing Information


The paper considers the problem of studying and assessing the quality of the company's marketing information. Selected information concepts and methods of determining the so-called information situation were reviewed. In the research into the quality of marketing information, a selective model of information processing was adopted. Referring to the basics of marketing management, i.e., the marketing mix model (McCarthy, 1964) and the structure of marketing relationships (Gummesson, 1994), the distinguishing features of marketing information are presented. Selected concepts of information quality were considered and the quality of marketing information was determined. The study used the method of quantifying quality, i.e., the method of averaged quality traits. The essence of the applied method and individual activities in the method were presented, and the essence of calculating and interpreting the value of the quality indicator, J, was explained. The concept of using the averaged quality traits method in assessing the quality of marketing information was developed. The quality of marketing information is assessed by the value of individual states of features belonging to marketing information. The developed method was used in the study and it evaluates the quality of marketing information of industrial enterprises, shaped in the processes of marketing communication with organizational units of clients, suppliers, competitors, local authorities, the education system and research organizations. The results show the effectiveness of the method in terms of calculating the value of the marketing information quality indicator and the classification of information into individual quality classes. The obtained results are important at the stage of planning the quality of marketing information, i.e., studying, analyzing and designing qualitative changes in managing the quality of marketing information.