The Need for a Critical Infrastructures Research Center at the Romanian Technical University


The purpose of this paper is to identify the opportunity of investing in a Critical Infrastructure Research Center within a technical university in Romania. The relevance of such a center at the level of a technical university is due to the fact that critical infrastructures are interdependent and aim at, inter alia, sectors such as information and telecommunications, energy, transport, chemical industry and hazardous materials, aviation security, food, etc. , in technical universities there are researchers with many competences, both in-house and trans disciplinary. According to the analysis carried out in the present paper, the investment in such a center can be achieved through a project and it is necessary because it contributes to increasing the visibility of Romanian research in fields of intelligent specialization (such as Information And Communication Technology, Space and Security) provided by the university teachers who will work in the center. Another essential element that supports the establishment of such a center is the fact that students will be trained in the university, who will then be able to opt out of the infrastructure.