The New Use of Technology by the Consular Offices of Romania


Technology is the center of the post COVID-19 activity, private, public or mixed. At the consular offices of Romania, on the request of the citizens, more informatics was included to solve efficiently current administrative tasks. This study aims to show a review of the legal conditions meant to favorite the good use of technology in the activity, to name those technologies, to evaluate if there are now enough informatics meant for a good accomplishment of the organization's purpose and to make propositions of progress. Even though there aren’t so many (or any) bibliographic sources at this time on the Romanian consular technology matters, this study will be based on a qualitative and quantitative analyze inspired on public documents and legislation, but also an interpretation made of my professional point of view. I’ll try to have an objective opinion about technology, the way that this one is actually used by the Romanian consular offices, to answer the question about if there are redundancies and whether those last ones can be eliminated by using new processes, activities or other informatics ways.