In Romania, the aquaculture sector is in a continuous struggle in order to face the new challenges regarding the minimalizing of the environmental impact, together with maximizing its production, productivity and economic efficiency. The traditional ponds aquaculture production systems satisfy the largest percentage from the national market fish demand. Currently, the evaluation of possible positive, as well as negative effects of fishery management on surface water quality, is another important issue, often linked to integrated aquaculture systems. Impact of common carp (Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus 1758) pond production on fish pond ecosystems has been extensively studied in Central and Eastern Europe (Hrbacek et al., 1961; Korınek et al., 1987; Pechar et al., 2002). Currently, the evaluation of possible positive, as well as negative effects of fishery management on surface water quality (e.g. see Vsetickova et al., 2012) is another important issue, often linked to integrated aquaculture systems. Strategies that aimed to reduce the impact of nutrients on aquaculture effluents have focused on optimizing feed composition, improving feed and feeding technology, as well as feeding strategy (Boyd, 1998).