The Perception Influences in the Anime Culture World. Implications on the Anime Products Market


When talking about the anime culture world, one can tell many things. We studied along some investigations, this world, not only for its interesting products, but also for the implication on the Romanian market, and much more. The most interested are the young people, but they are not the only ones, many houses of film, or even music, toys, even mode trade, are also interested in this new culture.  In this article, the goal is to understand the perception of the anime culture, by means of the adjectives one can attribute to it, also to study the interactions between these variables, ultimately, the significant influence on the consumer's decision. The conclusion of this article must be a “slogan” for the anime, one or more words, which, in the majority’s view, could be the general symbol for the anime artistic productions, about every one could say “this is the anime!”