The Performance of Health – System – A Theoretical Perspective


Countries should report health system performance to the public annually by use of a dashboard of key metrics (e.g., health outcomes, people’s confidence in the system, system competence, and user experience). Achieving high-quality health systems requires expanding the space for improvement to structural reforms that act on the foundations of the system. First, health system leaders need to govern to obtain efficiency, effectiveness and equity by adopting a shared vision of quality care, clear strategies, strong regulation, and continuous learning. Countries should transform the health workforce by adopting competency-based clinical education, introducing training in ethics and respectful care, and better supporting. Health crises, such as the COVID-19 crisis, illustrate the need for resilient systems, defined as systems that can prepare for and effectively respond to crises while maintaining core functions and reorganising if needed. An effective health system is an improvement in the nation’s health status. Health systems are a powerful way for improving health equity.