The Performance of the Inter-organizational Oncological Network: Exchange of Resources and Relationships Context


The interorganizational networks are an interesting subject of research and their relevance relay on the fact that current business focuses on the functioning in relationship and exchange-based networks. The purpose of the inter-organizational network creation are performance and efficiency gained in the group of equal organisations and the synergy effect is observed. This paper presents a scientific discussion of the efficiency in the inter-organizational network in context of the resources exchange and relationships. The paper is focused on the example of the Polish Oncological Network (known also as the National Oncological Network) in two dimensions of the performance in this net. In this paper the definition of the interorganizational network performance was discussed and presented. The aim of the paper is to identify the factors affecting the effectiveness of relationships and exchange between elements of the researched network in Poland. The method used in this paper is a critical analysis of the management literature related to the interorganizational networks and their measurement, which complement the specified network research. The main result of the article is established a division between relations (tangible resources exchange) and relationships (non-tangible assets transfer) in the interorganizational network consist of the public hospitals.