The Positive Impact of Emotional Intelligence at Otganizational Level


Throughout the present paper we try to emphasize the benefits that emotional intelligence generates in practice for managers, employees and organizations. For this work we have developed the two stages of research which involve both the qualitative and quantitative methods. Within the first sections of the paper we try to highlight the advantages created through practicing the skills of emotional intelligence. We argue for various organizational situations the role of applying emotional intelligence skills with respect to employees and managers. Studies produced so far stress that emotional intelligence is positively correlated with the level of creativity and resistance to stress, self-esteem, education, wages, work-life balance and personal. High scores of emotional intelligence were associated with the ability to withstand frustration and failure, with increased self-esteem and creativity. Emotional intelligence has been likened with satisfaction at work and creativity, not with economic values. In the second part of the paper we focused our interest in order to argue the positive impact of emotional intelligence as it was revealed by our survey. We have developed a research and pursued to evaluate the level of emotional intelligence of managers and employees working at a bank subsidiary in Suceava. Reviewing the overall results for our two surveys we can state that we have investigated on a positive case, on an example of good practices.