The Potential and Possibilities of using the Internet and Social Media in Family Microenterprises


The growing dynamics of the development of the Internet and social media has found a significant reflection in the functioning of many organisations. Internet solutions change their functionality to adjust to the needs and expectations of its users. In turn, social media dominate thanks to such features as: range, accessibility, ease of use, usability and the possibility of creating social interactions, and their impact on the social and economic life of many social units is more and more visible. The aim of this article is to present general issues related to the use of the potential of contemporary Internet solutions and social media in family microenterprises. On the basis of literature and secondary research, the role and importance of family microenterprises in Poland was characterised and the use of the Internet and social media in selected areas of functioning of this group of enterprises was presented.

The conducted analysis clearly showed that the importance of microenterprises in creating the potential of the local and regional market is significant. Taking into consideration the specificity of microenterprises and their average time of functioning on the market, the use of the Internet and social media creates important foundations for creating new directions of activities and effective competition on the local and regional market.