The Presence of North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the Black Sea Region – Realities and Perspectives


Wider Black Sea area remains an important area in many ways. Primarily due to its location at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, between Russia and the Middle East, an vast area that directly connects the south-east of Western Europe, by the Danube River, and the Mediterranean Sea. Secondly for the huge diversity of people and cultures that characterizes the riparian countries, which means that diversity is a source of conflict, but also a source of cultural enrichment. It should be considered the economic factor, especially natural resources, which make the Black Sea an area of strategic interest to western economic circuits. NATO enlargement has transformed the area in close proximity to major euro-atlantic powers. Based on the growing interest of big powers for this area, this article aims to highlight the realities and the way in which prefigures the outlook for the wider Black Sea area.