The Prospects Of Small And Medium-Sized Business Development In The Conditions Of The European Economic Union


Growth of small and medium-sized enterprises is one of the most important factors of state competitiveness. For years of independence Kazakhstan reached a macroeconomic stability in local business development, its social sphere and market economy were provided by the regulatory framework needed for entrepreneurship development of all patterns of ownership. Small and medium-sized enterprises carries out not only socially responsible role, but also provides considerable tax revenues for the budget. Small business in European Union countries covers at about 50% of all occupied population, in the USA it engages - 53%, in Japan - 72%, and 30% of Kazakhstani citizens are engaged in SMEs as well. The international experience convincingly proves that the small and average entrepreneurship easily adapts in crises, as well as inclines to self-organization and self-development, and due to state policy can provide a rapid social effect. Small and medium-sized enterprises are drivers of economic development in the European Union, they represent 99% of all businesses. The definition of SMEs is important for access to finance and EU support programs targeted specifically at these enterprises. The main factors, determining whether an enterprise is an SME, are staff headcount and either turnover or balance sheet total.