The Reasons for the Poor Quality of Education and Low Academic Achievements at the Primary Schools of Indonesia and Uzbekistan


Locating in the heart of Central Asia, Uzbekistan pays out an enormous portion of its budget and attention to compulsory education in the area. Meanwhile, public education is afflicted by several issues apart from excellence both in the teaching and learning process. However, far in South-East Asia, Indonesia has made dramatic progress on expanding access to education over the last few decades but still, the pupil achievements remain low. The author tried to define the current circumstance of primary education and sought possible solutions for them. Through field surveys and data analysis methods used throughout the investigation. Found data shows that improper infrastructure of government expenditure on education, low salary, and limited quota in pedagogical universities lead to a shortage of teachers in rural areas. The government of Uzbekistan needs further educational reforms in the are public education, teacher training, and re-training programs, and increasing teachers’ salaries, while the picture is quite dissimilar in Indonesia. School dropouts, shortage of well-qualified teachers, school fees challenge the national education system in the country.    
