Recommender systems serve as an effective way, on the one hand, of helping people to cope with the problem of information overload, on the other hand, promoting financial services and goods, as well as news and other content. They got a special distribution in the financial business, where recommendations on services are often aimed at helping the client in finding the necessary loans with acceptable conditions, make a purchase of securities, etc. that can help both satisfy his needs, and bring benefits to financial intermediaries. Recommender systems can be considered as an intelligent and experienced financial manager who knows well the financial state, needs, and habits of the client. Based on this knowledge, the system can offer reasonable solutions, and the client can follow them. Along with an overview of the main filtering and prioritization methods for the efficient delivery of relevant information that helps solve the problem of information overload for customers of financial institutions, the authors consider a kind of forecast mission of recommendations, as well as the role of the system recommends in rebooting the financial world