The Relationship between Human Resource Practices and Employee Engagement of Academician’s towards Employee Retention in Malaysian Private Higher Institutions


Organizations are moving towards  a competitive marketplace where engaging and retaining employees become a challenging task for organizations .The purpose of this study is to construct a theoretical framework and  explore the relationship between human resource practices and employee engagement of academicians’ towards employee retention in Malaysian Private Higher Education Institution (PHEI).This study is expected to provide in depth understanding of human resource practices and engagement among academicians in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions.  Retaining academicians has been a challenging task for organizations and research suggest that human resource practices can play an important role in motivating employees to be engaged and that these practices can encourage them to stay for a maximum period of time in the workplace. Engagement and retention are significantly important for academicians as this will ensure the quality of education and contribute positively in the private higher education with great enthusiasm .In a knowledge intense competitive environment, quality is a main concern in the private higher education, hence organizations can create competitive advantage through employee engagement and retention by giving importance to human resource practices.