The Risk Sharing in the Contracts in the Systems of Urban and Regional Transport – Gross Costs Contracts vs Net Costs Contracts


The ensuring of efficient urban public transport has the basic importance for the movements of persons and the functioning of cities; progressing urbanisation processes are observed worldwide, as well as an increase in the population staying in cities, and also the increased importance of cities in the entire economic and social life. This results, e.g., in the growing requirements set to public transport systems, and thereby the involvement of public sector in the ensuring or even provision of services.

Pursuing the improvement in the efficiency and competitiveness of the urban and regional public transport against movements by cars, parallel improvement and implementation of the solutions originating from the motivation systems is necessary. Only in this way the stable and continuous provision of services and the development will be ensured. In addition there is a moral aspect – the spent funds are public funds, which originate from the taxes paid by the city residents, and they are entitled to expect proper, rational, and economical management of funds. At the same time another extreme approach is not good, in which the urban or regional transport is left only to the action of the market forces, with substantial limitation of the public financing.