The Road To Distance Learning: Issues And Pitfalls


The first steps in e-learning were designed for individual learning. In that stage there were few practical ways to integrate multiple learners or instructors into asynchronous self study e-learning. Actually, the traditional education system faces many changes arising from the development of the knowledge based economy. The past 10 years have seen dramatic changes in higher education in terms of increased access to education, lifelong learning, increased choice in areas of study and the personalization of learning. The widespread availability of digital learning resources in a variety of media formats, anytime and anywhere offers the possibility to make a profound difference in education. E-learning means not only Information and Communication Technologies, complex media or Internet. In the new vision e-learning is a complex field involving institutional, individual, technical and social components. This entire environment is changing dynamically day by day. The associated technologies are evolving rapidly especially the mobile communication technologies. E-learning is a success story from many years. Everybody talks about e-learning advantages and disadvantages but few about the necessity of standardization in this area. So, one of the major topics in the discussion about e-learning must be standards. With all the disappointing problems that e-learning systems had today, we must remain optimistic about the future. We must align the activities of training with the strategic objectives of the company.