The role of contingent cognitive styles in the perception of e-mail usefulness and ease of ease in a learning task


The evaluation of the success of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) via an exploration of the links between the beliefs of ICT users (perceived usefulness and ease of use) and their cognitive styles (learning, decision-making, and problem-solving styles) has the practical objective of improving all electronic communication systems, with electronic messaging foremost among them. This perspective is of interest because it addresses the fundamental question of causal relations between given personality traits (cognitive styles) and instrumental belief systems regarding new technologies. There is very little literature in this area. This paper proposes an Original emergent model. It summarizes conceptual approaches to cognitive styles and validates causal relationships, examining the specific influences of instrumental beliefs on particular modes of information processing and evaluation. To this end, it uses data modeling, both descriptive and prescriptive, with the structural equations method. The influences of each style are analyzed.