The Role of Leadership and Perceived Organizational Support on Creating Prosocial Voice Behavior and Upward Safety Communication in Airline Industry


Safety performance can be increased if management understands the real situation in operation area. Exposure on operational area make cabin crew has valuable insight to enhance safety management system, policy and mitigation. Therefore, management must able to encourage cabin crew to communicate their safety related information. It is also critical for management to find factors to enhance cabin crew prosocial voice behavior, since it relates to express valuable idea benefiting organization. This research conducted to find influence of Benevolent and Morality leadership on Upward Safety Communication and Prosocial Voice Behavior in Indonesian cabin crew. This research also tries to investigate the role of Perceive Organizational Support (POS) in relationship between Benevolent and Morality leadership with Upward Safety Communication and Prosocial Voice Behavior. The results show Benevolent Leadership has bigger influence compare to Morality leadership on Safety Communication and Prosocial Voice Behavior; POS can be regarded as mediation in those relationship.