The Roles of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence at The Workplace


The workplace environment keeps on changing, indicating its dynamic nature as well as unpredictability.  The workforce is now more diverse, not only in terms of age but also of nationality. Globalisation has made the world boundaryless and people are now mobile. Organisations require its employees to be more committed as well as to have a better cohesive working interrelationship. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection and influence (Cooper and Sawaf 1998).  According to Amram (2007), spiritual intelligence is the set of abilities that individuals use to apply, manifest and embody spiritual resources, values and qualities in ways that enhances their daily functioning and well-being. With both these intelligence happening in the workplace, the environment will be more conducive. A better working environment relates to a higher level of productivity.