The authors by taking into account the theory of administrative-legal transformation of management protection of the constitutional order, security and prosperity of Russia, determine the legislative regulation of anti-crisis relations as the process of defining impact on this relations by the apparatus of administrative-legal transformation of the system of legal regulatory institution, acting primarily in the interests of human life support and liquidation of the consequences of economic crises. The article notes that the aggravation of problems in the management of rights protection issues by the state at the stage of post-crisis development of Russia clearly reveals some contradictions that cannot be presented only as imperfection of state regulation of economic and social processes or explained by mistakes of heads of ministries and departments. The results of the study concluded that the main reason is the contradictory development of the economy that assotiated with its systemic and structural crises, causing acute and long-term problems which can be overcome only in the conditions of ensuring the stable development of management mechanism of legal protective system (complex) of the Russian Federation.