“The Tertiarity”– Reality of the up‐to‐Date Economy?


The employment has always emphasized a series of features that derived in generally from features specific to services carrying out,but also from decisive factors of general character, such as: the technical progress, the economic intentness, the organization forms or the economic and institutional concernments etc. Regarded from this point of view, the tertiary model of labor market has been underlined by a series of specific marks, as comparing to the industrial model of the labor market, meaning: the predominance of labor factor asrelated to the capital factor; the feminine features obtaining; the flexibility of labor force; the inseparability of service carried out towards the performer and the consumer; the diversity, variety and differentiation.  
Such characteristics are indestructibly related to the labor factor within services field, how much more so the possibilities of mechanization, automation or engineering  have been limited. Knowing the features existing on the labor market and included within the tertiary field, one might conclude that the flexibility, continuous training and professionalism represent essential requirements as regards the labor force within the services field.