The Trends of Cereal Crops Market Development in Ukraine and the EU Countries


This article analyzes the latest research concerning cereal crop production as well as domestic and European cereal grops market development, the dynamics of production as well as the share of seeded areas of the main cereal types in the total cereal cultivation area structure are studied. The synchronicity of yield fluctuations of corn, wheat and barley is determined. The correlation between yields of certain types of cereal crops is found and the strategic priorities for the prospective development of cereal crop market in Ukraine and the EU countries are proposed. The purpose of writing this article is to study the main world and domestic trends in the production of cereal crops and to determine the priority directions for the development of the grain market for Ukraine and the EU countries in the conditions of the economic crisis.

The research is based on scientific works of domestic scientists on the development of the market of cereals and oilseeds in Ukraine and the world, materials of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) using monographic (in the study of grain yield) statistical-economic (for the analysis of the main indicators of production and trade of grain crops), abstract-logical (for the theoretical summary of the results and formulation of the conclusion) and balance (balance calculation), the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, and table information display method.