The Ussue of Assesting the Development Leve of the Regional Financial Security


The issue of financial security for Russia and for any other countries becomes one of the key in the context of economic globalization and formalization and also the existing restrictions in the movement of international financial flows. The existing problems of differentiation of regions, a serious imbalance in resource availability and sustainable development of territories were the one of the key problem of regional financial security and challenges facing the country. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that in Russian conditions the problem of ensuring financial security on the macro-and meso-level becomes systemic and chronic, covers strategies, political mechanisms, regions, economic entities, Finance, resources, etc. The article describes the theoretical and methodological issues of financial security of the region, analyzes the positions of various scientists on the issues under consideration, and formulates a methodological approach to assessment and management, justifies the need to modify approaches to assessing the financial security of the region.