Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Teaching Natural Sciences on the Moodle Platform


The modernization of education is necessitated by the need to find new approaches to the organization of the educational process in the modern school. The problems of modernization of teaching Physics involve providing pupils’ basic knowledge of Physics and its correction in middle school; building a learning system through advanced information technologies; improving the quality of education. The article deals with the content and organization of teaching of Physics in the context of distance learning.

The use of distance technologies and social services is the main requirement for upgrading the teaching of Physics in the context of distance learning. The proposed author’s approach of using the didactic potential of MOODLE LMS for teaching Physics with the use of distance technologies can be successfully implemented for teaching pupils in the context of distance learning.

The research substantiates the possibility of studying the material on Physics in full by arranging the communicative interaction of children in the form of team work on a common assignment in the context of distance learning.