Theoretical and Practical Considerations Regarding The Development And Application Of Agritourism Marketing Strategies In The Turistic Area Of Neamț County -Romania


The global market is a challenge that requires a proactive attitude and behavior of the economic agents, aimed to ensure that they get profitable positions within a particular field of activity. This competitive place can only be achieved by applying methodical marketing strategies that imply the existence of agricultural marketing skills based on a strategic orientation. The development of a marketing strategy can often be a complex, laborious process that requires specific steps which correspond to a strategic marketing planning. The complexity of the business environment in which the enterprise operates, the stronger competition in the marketplace, the increased consumer demands as well as other factors require the organization to design its entire business using strategic marketing planning. Its central point is represented by the elaboration of the marketing strategy which involves taking into account aspects of the strategy's goal, the mission of the company, its objectives, the marketing environment, the market, the competitive position, the competition, the consumer segments and so on. However, it should be emphasized, that this complex approach of the marketing strategy development process can only be achieved by those market-oriented companies that are suggestively called "marketing companies" because of their integrative vision of the entire process of undertaking the business activities. In a touristic area in which the competition in terms of tourist services is fierce, the success of a small business resides in the way it implements successful marketing strategies, at the right time. The present paper aims to present an analysis of such strategies on a local business.