Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Socially-Oriented Infrastructure of the Region


Social stability of society that is one of the key indicators of the level of socio-economic development of any state.  Its achievement contributes to the effective interaction of the three sectors of the economy - public, private and public [8].  The developed infrastructure provides such interaction as an integral part of any integral economic system. Given the diversity of existing points of view on this issue, there are three approaches to the interpretation of the term: sectoral, functional and material. From the point of view of the functional approach, the infrastructure is identified with a set of conditions created in a certain space and stimulating the development of the economic activity of this territory. The material approach allows us to consider the infrastructure as a set of structures, buildings, systems and services necessary for the reproduction process. According to the logic of the sectoral approach, the infrastructure is considered as a set of industries and activities that provide both reproduction processes and the conditions of society.   At the regional level, the understanding of the term is also ambiguous.  The infrastructure of a region is a combination of material resources that provide production and social needs for the implementation of production and social ties. The socially-oriented infrastructure of the region acts as an element of a large system of human activity and society, related to the development of an individual, his personality, the development and spread of culture, the development of various activities that are most in demand in the socio-economic conditions that have evolved at the current time.