Theory and Practice of Forming the Identity of the Region


The study made it possible to formulate a number of provisions: first, the study of the genesis and social and cultural foundations of the formation of regional identity revealed that it is a collection of feelings and beliefs of people arising from historical, ethnographic, climatic, social and economic, moral, psychological, political and other features of this territory. The formation of regional identity, necessary in a highly competitive environment, is a complex, diverse, multi-stage process. Obtaining the desired results in the process of administrative influence from the regional authorities is possible only if we take into account all these aspects. In the work of representative and executive authorities, the professionalism of civil servants in interaction with the public and non-profit public organizations, professional and public unions is equally important. The formation of a positive image of regional government bodies is currently an urgent task, which reaches the goal of increasing the competitiveness of the territory as a whole. Having studied the components of the competitiveness of the territories, we have noticed that the regions speak of themselves as full-fledged and having a certain value of the subjects of the economic activity of the state as a whole. They use both their internal potential in their investment projects and create conditions for attracting foreign investors to the territory. The real prospects for the social and economic development of the territory and the standard of living of the population depend on the quantity and quality of the application of investment practices, as well as on good management. In the course of the study, ways were developed to improve the self-identification of the region in order to improve its competitiveness.