To the Question of Factors Influencing the Innovative activity of the Environment in Russia


Despite the fact that Russia is the leader in most macroeconomic indicators, the overall level of socio-economic development of Russia remains at a rather low level. For example, despite the fact that Russia ranks 52nd in the average age of the population (39.8 years), in terms of Life expectancy at birth (CIA Fact book 2018), Russia is in 152th place, with an indicator of 71.3 years, approximately at one level by such countries as Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea. By the number of citizens with HIV, Russia ranks 11th with an indicator of 1 million people, for comparison, Japan, whose population is at a comparable level, the number of citizens with HIV is 30 thousand people. One of the reasons for the negative demographic and social situation is the low level of GDP per capita, at a level of $ 27,900, Russia ranks 74th in the world. At the same time, the neighboring countries in terms of GDP in the countries of Japan and Germany are in terms of GDP per capita by 42 with a value of $ 42,900 and by 27 with a value of $ 50,800, respectively. A necessary condition for overcoming the current economic situation is the innovative development of the Russian economy, which will increase population incomes, provide a system of social elevators and ensure the rapid and effective development of Russian society.